Dima workshops

Image education

With the arrival of Smart Phone and small digital cameras, the current generation is the first to have such easy access to the production of images (photo, video …) and their dissemination via internal (Facebook. YouTube …).

The first to be exposed to this danger are “young people”, in high school or college, all young people today have a smart phone, they are connected to social networks, download movies via the web, watch videos, share them … without any measure of the dangers or preparation to the different dimensions that these can take.

In Algeria, as in many other countries, no image education system is set up in schools, nor outside of school hours, hence the importance, for Dima Cinéma, of setting up activities that will stimulate discussion around these new issues. Activity to come soon.

Movie Reviews

Film criticism is the way to reveal a work and bring it to life. The Dima Cinéma team is convinced of the need for the emergence of a new generation of film critics. To do so, it will organize “critic” workshops, intended for a non-professional public.

Articles, audio debates and video reviews will be presented to registered future critics to allow them to share their viewing experience and debate their thoughts on the films.

“Doc.itinérance” en partenariat avec IDFA

Dima Cinema is currently preparing the Journées itinérantes du
Documentary .


This program is in line with Dima Cinéma’s intervention logic, namely: the creation of a network of alternative screens as large as possible in order to allow the public to watch films on the big screen. But also the creation of a “human” network of cinema lovers who already carry, in an individual way, the same values of sharing.