“Remechet 3in” is a program of reflections on “the representations of women in the image”, through the prism of cinema and the image in general. This program, essentially intended for a professional public, is spread over a period of 6 months.
The first phase of the project is carried out exclusively online and the second phase of the project will be “physical” and in person.
The two phases include a set of artistic creations that are all about deconstructing the “usual” representations of violence. In this perspective, a set of works will be produced in 2020 and 2021. (The action during the year 2021 is subject to the vagaries of health conditions. Specific dates and partners will be announced later).
The objectives of the project :
- To question the “usual” representations of women in art in general, and of violence against women in a more specific way.
- To sensitize the young professionals of the image to ethical artistic approaches;
- Produce photographic and cinematographic content on a sensitive theme and with a responsible approach.
Ramchet 3in: Action 1 “20 Nadra”
“20 Nadra”: 20 photographs, two artists, a public conversation and two workshops
“20 Nadra” is a social media campaign based on 20 photographs that question the representation of violence against women. Two photographic series are realized by two photographic artists: Sonia Merabet and Abdo Shanan.
In addition to the online dissemination of these photographic series, several exhibitions “in person” of the online campaign (adapted to the places of exhibition) will take place from February 1 to March 30, 2021, at the Gallery of the space Rhizome, in Algiers, from March 1, at “Axam N-Da Ali”, in Tizi Rached (Tizi Ouzou) and then in Paris, in partnership with the film association “Zzar”. (date to be defined).
The campaign will begin on November 26, 2020 with an online conversation: “Ethics of the image in documentary film and choice of publication in social networks” and will end with two online workshops on Friday, December 18 from 4pm.
Two online workshops for professionals:
The two workshops are intended for those who make and/or distribute images (actors, directors, video makers, photographers, technicians, Ciné Club, cultural or humanitarian associations, informal groups, neighborhood associations…)
The first workshop will focus on “The new figures of women in contemporary Algerian cinema” led by Salima TENFICHE. The second workshop will be devoted to cinema programming under the title: “in search of films that heal” led by Kahina Zina & Sonia Ahnou.
In parallel, a call for projects is launched for young Algerian directors. At the end of this call, 7 projects of short documentaries of 7 minutes will be produced and accompanied by professionals
In parallel, a call for projects is launched for young Algerian directors. At the end of this call, 7 projects of short documentaries of 7 minutes will be produced and accompanied by professionals